Thursday, November 12, 2009

Another beautiful performance...

If you missed Susan's outstanding performance on Dancing With The Stars, you can see it here or click play below. Not only did Susan look beautiful, but she also gave a stunning performance...once again! The only disappointment was that she didn't sing TWO songs as Michael Buble did! Along with the rest of her millions of fans, I'm looking forward to a total Susan Boyle Concert!


  1. I enjoyed watching the video clip, but I would have preferred that the focus had been entirely on Susan. I suppose that's just how this show does it -- I've never seen it before. I thought it was gracious of her to clap for the dancers at the end of her own performance.

  2. I totally agree, Janet! Maybe this was an avenue Sony chose to promote her new album, but I would rather have just had Susan sing and forget the dancers!
